Give The Gift Of Life!

It is the season to give and I can’t think of a better gift to give than the gift of Life! LADIES! Have you ever thought about becoming an egg donor? Just the thought of making a families dream come true makes me so happy. I have teamed up with an incredible company called The…

Our Baby Making Process Pt. 1

So here we go! The wife and I have started the baby making process! Go ahead and ask it… How do Lesbians have a baby?  You all probably have so many questions and it’s okay…  SO DO WE!  We want to take you on this baby making journey with us! We already met with the…

Easy Peanut Butter Balls!

I remember the first time I tried Missy’s Peanut Butter Balls … I. Was. Blown. Away (just like I am with everything she makes) BUT this time especially! I’m not the biggest sweets person… That’s why I was so shocked that I really did enjoy these little balls of heaven. This year I decided to…

Why I Blog & How You Can Too!

  “Why did You start a blog?”  —   “Is it hard to start a blog?”  These are the two questions I’ve been hearing a lot lately…(Quick answer to the second question is NO! It’s not hard and  I’ll show you how below)… But to answer your first question —->  I caught myself writing constantly to…

Caramel Popcorn To Die For!

WARNING! You WILL become addicted to my wife’s caramel popcorn!!  Now on every occasion and for every event… people ask my wife to make this! We had it for my sisters baby shower, for Thanksgiving, and we will FOR SURE have it on Christmas! PLUS your house smells so wonderful after baking this. We have to thank the Werther’s…

Santa’s Christmas Tree Forest!

The wife is COMPLETELY obsessed with Christmas and with surprises SO I decided to surprise her with a trip to Santa’s Christmas Tree Forest in Eustis! Before we took a trip out to Eustis from our house (about an hour away) I did some research and all of the reviews said WONDERFUL things about this…

Charcoal Toothpaste

First it was the charcoal face mask  and NOW there’s the charcoal toothpaste! The wife and I tried the Misfit Cosmetics teeth whitening powder and we loved it! Instead of using our everyday toothbrush  (It gets a little messy)  I went to the dollar store and got us some toothbrushes to use just for the…

How I Changed My Life Around

Not too long ago I received an email from a listener wondering how I changed my life around. How did I make the change? What did I do in life to make things better? I decided to share with you what I shared with her… I don’t even know where to begin with my story….

Anaheim, California — MUST See!

The wife and I took a trip to Hawaii (Post coming soon about that amazingness) and on the way home we decided to stay a couple of days with our friend in Anaheim California. We wanted to check out some of the local things they had to offer and so our friend brought us to…

DIY Sushi Burger! SO Easy.

I have been seeing these sushi burgers pop up ALL over Pinterest so of course when my wife asked what I wanted for dinner tonight I said SUSHI BURGER! You need very little ingredients for this recipe which is also a plus! Now you can pick whatever meat you want on yours… we chose shrimp!…